
Terms and Conditions

Effective Date: March 22, 2024

Version: 1.1

Welcome to Bloodo Terms!

The content:

1. Kick off
2. Understanding the Terms
3. Our Website
4. Reporting Website Outages or Malfunctions
5. Account Security and Service Development
6. Payment Terms
7. Providing Services at Bloodo
8. How to Purchase Services at Bloodo
9. Withdrawing from the Contract at Bloodo
10. Dealing with Defective Goods at Bloodo
11. Security and Privacy at Bloodo
12. Warranty terms at Bloodo
13. Liability for damage Clarification at Bloodo
14. Consumer protection at Bloodo
15. Intellectual Property Rights at Bloodo
16. Final Provisions of the Contract
17. Return Policy
18. Security Guarantees
19. Bloodo Shipping Policy

Here’s the Scoop:

    • We’re a Team: Think of these Terms as the playbook for our relationship with you.
    • Talking the Same Language: We use some special terms here, and they mean the same thing every time.
    • Our Tests: For Non-Medical Use Only
    • Your Part of the Deal: Keep your details fresh, use our website for good stuff only, and shout out if something goes wonky.
    • About the Cash: Services aren’t free, so you’ll need to cover the costs for what you use.
    • What We Do Best: We decode your Blood test results from our Lab in a way that’s easy to understand (right in the website!). But heads up – it’s not the same as getting advice from a doctor. We’ll need a thumbs up from you to use your data.
    • Shopping with Us: Grab our Goods and Services online, and check out your results on our website.
    • Change Your Mind?: No prob! You can cancel orders, just like the rules say. But remember, done deals (especially services) can’t be undone.
    • If Things Aren’t Right: Got an issue with our Goods? We’ll fix it, just like the law says we should.
    • A Little Extra Reading: Our Privacy Policy is part of the package, so give it a look.
    • Our Promise to You: We stand by our Goods, 100%. The website – we offer it ‘as-is’.
    • Just So You Know: If things go sideways because the Goods or Services are used in a not-so-great way, or if crazy stuff happens that’s out of our hands, we can’t take the fall for that.
    • Need to Sort Something Out? If you’re facing any issues or just have something on your mind, don’t worry – as a consumer, you’ve got extra options to help you resolve things smoothly. 
    • Our Stuff Is Our Stuff: Using our website and Services is cool, but it doesn’t mean you own any part of our intellectual property.

    We’ve tried to keep it as friendly and clear as possible. Remember, we’re here to help, so if you’ve got questions or need a hand, just reach out info@bloodo.com.

    Please be informed that these Terms are deemed to be a legal agreement between you and us on the purchase of products (Services and Goods) offered by us on the Website ‘www.bloodo.com’. 


1. Here’s the Kickoff!

1.1. The Basics of Teaming Up with Us: Just so you know, these Terms are like our rulebook. They’re part of the big legal world (yep, we’re talking the Lithuanian Civil Code kind of stuff). They apply to all the cool interactions between you (our awesome customer) and us here at Bloodo. By using our Services, you’re giving us a high five saying, “Yep, I’ve read, totally get, and agree to these Terms.”

1.2. Our Terms Are the Boss: A little reminder: Our Terms are the boss around here. They take priority over any other info you might find, whether it’s in our emails, promotional content or on our website. Think of them as the chief guide on this adventure!

2. Understanding the Terms – What Everything Means:

2.1. About the Headings: Just a note – the headings in these Terms are like signposts. They’re here to help guide you through the text, but they don’t change or limit what the sections are about. They’re just friendly pointers, not rule setters.

2.2. Clarifying the Jargon: Let’s demystify some words! In this part (Section 2.2), we explain what certain words or phrases mean within these Terms. Unless we’re in a different context, these definitions should help clear things up:


Yes! This is us!

Bloodo EU, UAB

Company code: 305418921

VAT code: LT100013031912

Dariaus ir Gireno str. 32A, LT-02188

Vilnius, Lithuania


This is where the magic happens!

A laboratory that carries out the analysis of a Test – lifelab1 – Laboratorija 1, UAB,

Company code 305049189

VAT LT100013143619

Dariaus ir Girėno g. 32A-1, LT-02188

Vilnius Lithuania


Website’ refers to bloodo.com, which is the primary platform through which Bloodo’s services and products, including various blood tests, are offered and provided to customers. This includes, but is not limited to, the NAD test and any other tests available for purchase either directly through bloodo.com or through other authorized channels.


The customer’s account with Bloodo.


An individual customer who engages with Bloodo’s services for personal, non-commercial purposes.


Encompasses all services rendered by Bloodo to the Customer, including but not limited to the sale and delivery of Goods, provision of test results, and related online services.


The legally binding agreement between Bloodo and the Customer pertaining to the provision of Services.


Any person or entity engaging with Bloodo for ordering or utilizing the Services.


Refers to products, particularly tests, available for purchase from Bloodo.


The entity responsible for producing the tests supplied by Bloodo.


Collective term referring to Bloodo and the Customer within the context of the Contract.

Personal Data

Information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, as defined under applicable data protection laws.

Sample ID

A unique identifier assigned to a natural person’s test sample for identification purposes directly or indirectly.


The General Terms and Conditions governing the relationship between Bloodo and the Customer.


Any blood or other health-related test offered by Bloodo, available for purchase on the Website or through other channels.

Civil Code

Refers to the Civil Code of Lithuania, which provides the legal framework for these Terms.

3. Let’s Get You Started with Our Website!

3.1. Signing Up: Ready to join? You’ll need to set up an Account. Just a heads-up: you got to be 18 or older to be a Customer. When you register, you’re confirming that:

3.1.1. All your personal details as a Customer are true and up-to-date.

3.1.2. If anything changes, you’ll let us know either in your Account or via email at info@bloodo.com

3.1.3. You’re being yourself – not pretending to be someone else or using names you shouldn’t.

3.1.4. You’re here for the right reasons – not to give us a hard time, create similar products or help our competitors.

3.2. Playing Nice with the Website. Obligations for Application Usage:

3.2.1. Prohibition of Illegal Content Transmission: The Customer is strictly prohibited from recording, transmitting, or disseminating any content that contravenes applicable legal regulations, public morals, or principles of decent conduct.

3.2.2. Non-Interference with Application Functionality: The Customer must refrain from any actions that could impair the functionality of the Website. This includes, but is not limited to, the distribution or introduction of malicious code, files, scripts, or programs that could disrupt, overload, or negatively impact the Website’s operation.

3.2.3. Considerate Usage: The Customer is obligated to use the Website in a manner that does not impose undue burden or inconvenience to other users or to Bloodo. The Customer’s use should not adversely affect the experience of other users or the operational capabilities of Bloodo.

3.2.4. Compliance with Legal Regulations: The Customer is required to use the Website in full compliance with all applicable legal regulations. Any usage contrary to these regulations may result in termination of access and potential legal action.

4. Reporting Website Outages or Malfunctions.

Should the Customer identify or suspect any occurrence of an outage or malfunction within the Website, the following procedure must be observed:

4.1. Prompt Notification: The Customer is required to immediately notify Bloodo of the outage or malfunction. This notification should be sent directly to Bloodo’s designated contact email: info@bloodo.com.

4.2. Assistance in Resolution: The Customer shall provide all necessary cooperation and assistance to Bloodo in diagnosing and rectifying the reported outage or malfunction. This may include providing detailed information about the issue, steps leading up to the issue, and any other relevant data that could aid in a swift resolution.

5. Account Security and Service Development.

Usernames and Passwords:

5.1. Confidentiality Obligation: As a customer, you are solely responsible for keeping your account access details, like usernames and passwords, private and secure.

5.2. Non-Transferability: You agree not to let anyone else use your account details, unless specifically allowed by these Terms.

5.3. Reporting Unauthorized Use: If you suspect or know of any unauthorized use of your account or any breach of these Terms, you must inform us immediately by emailing info@bloodo.com

5.4. Continuous Development: We’re always working to improve our Services. You acknowledge that Bloodo may add or remove features from the Services or the Website, without offering a refund or compensation.

6. Payment Terms.

These payment terms are integral to the agreement between the Customer and Bloodo, ensuring clarity and mutual understanding regarding financial transactions and obligations.

6.1. Price Structure:

6.1.1. For Consumers: The prices displayed for Services include all applicable taxes (VAT included).

6.1.2. For Non-Consumers: The Consumers that are VAT payers may be exempted from the obligation to pay VAT and/or other charges as per the requirements of the applicable law.

6.2. Payment Obligations:

6.2.1. Payment Requirement: Payment for Services ordered is mandatory. Services will not be provided until payment is complete.

6.2.2. Payment Methods: Payments can be made using methods specified on the Website, including but not limited to bank transfer and online payment gateways.

6.2.3. Order Cancellation Policy: Orders for which payment is not received within five working days will be automatically cancelled.

6.3. Interest on Overdue Payments: Unpaid fees will incur interest at the maximum rate permissible under applicable law.

6.4. Validity of Pricing and Offers:

6.4.1. Temporal Limitation: Prices and offers are subject to change, limited in time, and contingent upon availability.

6.4.2. Discretionary Adjustments: Bloodo reserves the right to modify or cancel prices and offers at its discretion at any time.

7. Providing Services at Bloodo

What You Need to Know:

7.1. Description and Types of Services. Detailed descriptions and types of Services we offer are available on our Website.

7.2. Variety of Services Offered. Services may include:

7.2.1. Selling and delivering Goods for your use following the provided instructions.

7.2.2. Organizing the delivery of Goods to you and samples to our Laboratory.

7.2.3. Ensuring the Laboratory carries out the smaples.

7.2.4. Making Test analysis results available in the Website after linking the Test with your Account using the Sample ID.

7.2.5. Other services as specified on our Website.

7.2.6. Sample Destruction: Post-extraction and analysis, your sample will be permanently destroyed one month after analysis by the Laboratory.

7.3. Customer’s Acknowledgment. You must read and follow the instructions provided with the Goods. Failure to do so may result in our inability to provide Services.

7.4. Timeliness and Validity of Test Samples: Please collect your sample within two weeks of receiving your test kit. To ensure the accuracy and validity of your test results, it’s crucial to send the samples to the Laboratory or Bloodo, as applicable, as soon as possible and no later than one day after sample collection. Please be aware that delays in returning the sample may result in the inability to process your test, leading to no refund and the cessation of Service provision.

7.5. Replacement Policy:

7.5.1. Lost or Damaged Tests: Replacement Policy (Bloodo’s Fault): If the Test is lost, destroyed, or defective due to Bloodo’s error, we will offer a one-time free replacement or refund the purchase price. Please note that shipping expenses for refund the defective Test are not included. No additional replacements or refunds are available after this initial resolution. Replacement Policy (Not Bloodo’s Fault): For Tests lost, destroyed, or damaged due to customer handling or shipping issues, replacements or refunds are not available.

7.5.2. Customer Responsibility: If the Test is lost or destroyed again, or if errors occur due to customer fault, no refund or replacement will be provided. Repurchasing the Services at the current price is available.

7.5.3. Additionally, any other costs not mentioned in and incurred in sending the Test are not refundable.

7.6. Handling Errors and Non-Medical Use:

7.6.1. Laboratory Errors: If a sample processing error occurs on the Laboratory’s part, we’ll replace the Goods for free. Customer errors do not qualify for free replacements or refunds.

7.6.2. Non-Medical Use: Services should not be used for medical decisions without professional advice. They are for research and educational purposes only and not for medical diagnosis or healthcare decisions.

7.7. Acknowledgment of Updates: As scientific knowledge evolves, Test results might change, and we may update your results accordingly.

7.8. Necessity for Service Provision: You need to link the Test with your Account using the Sample ID before sending it to the Laboratory. Failure to pair means we can’t provide the Services, and no refund will be issued.

7.9. Age Restriction for Services. Services are intended for adults only. Parents or guardians can use the Services for minors.

7.10. Goods Specification and Packaging:

7.10.1. Product Details: Information about the Goods is available on our Website. While we strive for accuracy, there may be slight variations from actual Goods.

7.10.2. Packaging Standards: Tests are packaged for protection and preservation, and we respect the original packaging from Manufacturers.

8. How to Purchase Services at Bloodo:

8.1. Ordering Process: You can order Services easily via our Website. Just go through the ordering steps and hit “Buy”, “Purchase”, or a similar button to complete your purchase.

8.2. Order Acceptance: All orders are subject to our acceptance. We’ll let you know we’ve accepted your order by sending you an email confirmation or by completing the order form. The contract between us is formed when you receive this Order Acceptance.

8.3. Scope of Contract: This contract only covers the Goods and Services mentioned in the Order Acceptance. We’re not obligated to supply any other goods or services that might have been part of your initial order until you get an Order Acceptance for them.

8.4. Possible Reasons for Non-Acceptance: Sometimes, we might not be able to accept your order. This could be due to:

8.4.1. Unavailability of the ordered Goods in stock.

8.4.2. Services currently not available due to issues at our Laboratory or lack of necessary Goods.

8.4.3. Non-delivery or damage of Goods from our subcontractors.

8.4.4. Not receiving your payment for the Services.

8.4.5. Finding errors in the price or description of the Services.

9. Withdrawing from the Contract at Bloodo

What You Need to Know:

9.1. Consumer Rights: Consumer Rights – Withdrawal from Contract: As a consumer, you have the right to withdraw from your purchase contract for any unused Services within a 14-day period, starting from the day you receive the Goods associated with the Services. Please note that if the Goods are opened or if 14 days have passed since receipt, the option to withdraw from the contract is no longer available.

9.2. Condition of Goods: Due to health and hygiene reasons, you can’t withdraw from the Contract if you’ve opened or damaged the Goods’ packaging. Packaging has to be Sealed.

9.3. Multiple Items Orders: If your order includes several items or parts delivered on different days, the 14-day withdrawal period ends after the last item or part is delivered.

9.4. Withdrawal Procedure:

9.4.1. How to Withdraw: You can withdraw by emailing us at info@bloodo.com

9.4.2. Withdrawal Details: Include a clear statement of withdrawal with your name, address, order details, and contact information.

9.5. Returning Goods:

9.5.1. Condition for Return: Goods must be undamaged, clean, in original packaging with labels, and in the condition you received them. They must be returned complete.

9.5.2. Return Address and Deadline: Send returns to Bloodo EU, UAB, Dariaus and Gireno str. 32A, LT-02188, Vilnius, Lithuania. Within 14 days of informing us of the withdrawal.

9.5.3. Shipping Costs: You cover the return shipping costs unless we sent the Goods in error.

9.6.  Refunds:

9.6.1. Refund Amount: We refund the full amount for returned Goods under this Section.

9.6.2. Deductions for Damage: We may reduce the refund for any diminished value of the Goods due to unnecessary handling.

9.6.3. No Refund for Damaged Packaging: If returned with damaged packaging, the right to withdraw is void, and no refund will be provided.

9.6.4. Refund Method and Timing: Refunds are processed using the original payment method within 14 days of receiving your withdrawal notice, and immediately upon receiving the returned goods or proof of their shipment.

9.7. Confirmation of Return and Refund:

9.7.1. Email Confirmation: Once we receive the returned Goods, we’ll email you a confirmation and refund details.

10. Dealing with Defective Goods at Bloodo – Understanding Your Rights:

10.1. Rights in Case of Defective Goods: If you receive defective Goods, you’re entitled to specific remedies outlined here. However, these rights don’t apply if you knew about the defect beforehand or caused it yourself.

10.2. Governing Laws and Regulations Our obligations and your rights regarding defective Goods are governed by applicable laws, notably the Civil Code and the Consumer Protection Law.

10.3. How to Claim for Defective Performance:

10.3.1. Claim Process: To make a claim, email us at info@bloodo.com with: A detailed description of the defect. Your order number or other identification. Your contact information. Evidence of the damage (photos, video).

10.4. Bloodo Response to Claims: We’ll assess the returned Goods and inform you of the outcome, including any refunds or replacements, within 30 days of receiving your complaint.

10.5. Refund Process:

10.5.1. Timeliness and Method: Any refund owed will be processed swiftly, within 14 days from notifying you of your refund eligibility.

10.5.2. Refunds will be made using the same payment method you originally used for the purchase. We do not issue refunds in cash.

10.6. Return Postage Costs: We’ll cover reasonable postage costs for returning defective Goods up to standard postage rates. Please note that any premium or express delivery costs won’t be refunded.

10.7. Application to Services: These provisions also apply similarly to claims related to defective Services, not just Goods.

11. Security and Privacy at Bloodo:

11.1. Privacy Policy: The way we handle and protect your personal data is governed by our Privacy Policy. You can find all the details on our Website.

11.2. End of Service Provision: Also, be aware that when your User Account is terminated, our obligation to provide Services to you under these Terms will end.

12. Warranty terms at Bloodo:

12.1. Bloodo Service Warranty:

12.1.1. We ensure that our Services: Match the descriptions on our Website. Are suitable for the purposes we’ve outlined. Comply with all relevant legal requirements. Meet the agreed quantity and quality standards.

12.2.  Mutual Warranties of the Parties:

12.2.1. Legal Capacity: Both parties – you and Bloodo – guarantee that we have the legal standing and authority to agree to these Terms and fulfil our respective obligations.

12.3. Customer’s Warranty:

12.3.1. Proper Use of Test: As our customer, you assure us that the sample used in the Test is either: Yours, From someone you’re legally responsible for, or From someone you’re authorized to represent. Respecting Third-Party Rights: You also confirm that by using the Test, you’re not infringing on any third-party rights.

12.4. Website Availability:

12.4.1. Reliable Access: We strive to make our Website available 24/7. However, please understand that occasional downtime for maintenance, updates, or unforeseen issues is part of the deal.

12.5. Website Warranty Disclaimer:

12.5.1. “As Is” and “As Available”: To the extent the law allows, we can’t make any other promises or guarantees about the Bloodo Website beyond what’s expressly stated. This means we’re providing the Website “as is” and “as available” without warranties.

13. Liability for damage Clarification at Bloodo:

13.1. Limitation of Liability:

13.1.1. Non-Compliance with Instructions: Bloodo is not responsible for any damage arising from the Customer’s failure to follow instructions provided with the Goods.

13.1.2. Customer Actions and Usage: We are not liable for damages or consequences resulting from how individual Customers use the Services or from issues on the Customer’s end.

13.1.3. Third-Party Interference: Any errors due to third-party interference with the Services or misuse of the Services are not under our liability.

13.1.4. External Service Providers: We are not accountable for services provided by other entities like Payment Service Providers and Laboratories, including any outcomes from their actions or related rights and obligations.

13.2. Exclusion of Certain Damages:

13.2.1. Website Use: To the greatest extent permitted by law, we’re not liable for any damages you might face related to using or not being able to use the Website. This includes any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages, such as loss of opportunity, profit, or data, as well as any costs or payments.

13.2.2. Misuse of Account: We’re not responsible for damages incurred due to misuse of your Account or unauthorised access to it.

14. Consumer protection at Bloodo:

14.1. Contacting Bloodo:

14.1.1. Direct Communication: If you’re unhappy with how we handled your complaint or believe your rights have been violated, you can reach out to us directly at info@bloodo.com for redress.

14.2. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR):

14.2.1. EU Regulation Compliance: In line with Article 14 of EU Regulation 524/2013, as a Customer, you have the right to seek resolution for disputes with Bloodo through the online dispute resolution (ODR) platform.

14.2.2. ODR Platform Access: This platform is operated by the European Commission and offers a means to resolve disputes online, available in various languages. ODR Platform


14.3. Right to File a Complaint:

14.3.1. Lithuanian State Consumer Rights Protection Authority: You also reserve the right to lodge a complaint with the Lithuanian State Consumer Rights Protection Authority regarding any issues with our services.

15. Intellectual Property Rights at Bloodo:

15.1. Copyright of Website: The Website, including their elements like user interfaces, icons, graphics, photos, videos, and texts, are protected by copyright under Act No. 121/2000 Coll., the Copyright Act. All proprietary rights to the Website and their content are owned by Bloodo.

15.2. Restrictions on Use: As a Customer, you’re not authorized to reproduce, modify, decompile, translate, process, combine, or publicly display any intellectual property related to our Website, as outlined above.

15.3. Limited Permission for Use: You may not use Bloodo trade names, legal entity names, trademarks, or other signs, except for necessary and customary identification of the Service originator.

15.4. Monitoring and Infringement Claims: We don’t actively monitor content uploaded by other Customers or our Laboratory. However, if you believe any content infringes on your intellectual property rights:

15.4.1. Notify us at info@bloodo.com with evidence supporting your claim.

15.4.2. Provide your identification and contact details.

15.4.3. Describe the allegedly infringing work and its location.

15.4.4. Identify the alleged infringer, if known.

15.5. Action Against Infringement: If we determine an infringement of intellectual property rights has occurred, we will either remove the infringing content from the Website or restrict access to it, at our discretion.

16. Final Provisions of the Contract:

16.1. Governing Law. The Contract and any related disputes or claims are governed by the laws of Lithuania.

16.2. Dispute Resolution. Any disputes related to the Contract, including its existence, validity, termination, or the consequences of its invalidity, will be resolved by the competent courts of Lithuania.

16.3. Severability of Provisions. If any part of this Contract is deemed invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, the rest of the Contract remains valid and enforceable.

16.4. Force Majeure. Neither Party is responsible for damages or breach of Contract due to unforeseeable events beyond reasonable control (Force Majeure Events). For Bloodo, this includes events like power outages, natural disasters, telecommunication failures, and cyber attacks.

16.5. Amendments to Terms. Bloodo may revise these Terms periodically. The latest version is always on our Website.

16.6. Compliance with Current Terms. You must adhere to the Terms in effect at the time of your Service order unless legally required changes or Bloodo notifies you of a change before sending an order acceptance.

16.7. Acceptance of Amended Terms. Continued use of Services after a change implies acceptance of the new Terms.

16.8. Contact Information. If you have questions, reach out to us at info@bloodo.com

17. Return Policy is part of Bloodo Terms and conditions

18. Security Guarantees is part of Bloodo Terms and conditions

19. Shipping Policy is part of Bloodo Terms and conditions

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